Mikuláš Příhoda aka Kewu is a part of the Czech club scene since 2012. He plays genres that aren’t very common here – grime, baile funk, gqom, vogue and the listeners never know what surprise he’s about to pull out of the bag. He played events with Tommy Genesis, Sophie or Kingdom, cofounded the Unizone collective and he co-organises the Addict events together with NobodyListen. Kewu also collaborates with the singer Terra on a joint project – this year they released the great album Sugar & Sleaze. He has also made beats for Anki or Anastázie. Newly, he also teaches DJing on the Skvot platform. At PopMesse, however, he will mainly be teaching tolerance and his set will be accompanied by the dancers of the Czechoslovak ballroom scene Viktor Velvet and the collective Kiki Dancers.