The Slovak duo Meowlau x Val seductively balances on the intersection of club music and pop songwriting. While the songs of Laura Jašková (Meowlau) and Valentína Vlková (Val) stand on a strong atmosphere and an authentic vocal, their live versions also feature beats of Martin Miklis. They begun playing together in 2019, two years later they released the EP Nevermind. In a relatively short period of time, they managed to secure a strong position on the Slovak music scene – their most recent release is the EP Daydream from last November. It got them two nominations for the Slovak music awards Radio_Head. The bassist and guitarist Laura Jašková creates videos for Slovak bands and hosted on Richard Müller’s abum, both of the musicians collaborated with Fallgrap. Together as Meowlau X Val, they are one of Slovakias most promising newcomers of recent years.